Our online shop is now closed for the winter. If you would still like to place an order, please email your requirements or give us a call and we will do our best to fulfil your request. Our online shop will reopen in spring 2025, with lots of new varieties.

Jan and I (Yvonne) get the amazing job of choosing our perennials each year and its definitely our favourite time! When the catalogues start to arrive through the post it’s a race to see who can open them first.

We have different ways of looking at the catalogues. Jan likes to flick through and look at the new varieties first whereas I start from the beginning and let the new varieties pop up as a surprise. This is always then followed by lots of 'ooooo’s' and 'aaahhhh’s' and ‘we HAVE to get THIS!'.

Of course, our choices include those plants we know are popular and sell well but most of the time we are drawn to those that have a unique feature that makes it stand out – maybe one that grows extra tall or more compact, a new colour, a different shaped leaf or simply has a quirky name.

There are so many varieties we are looking forward to growing throughout the year for various reasons and we wish we could share each one with you but for now we thought we could start with a few varieties that we have available on our website and tell you why we are excited about them.

Artemisia abrotanum 'Coca Cola'

It smells just like Coca Cola. That might sound like an obvious statement but lots of plants claim to smell like something but it’s usually only a vague resemblance. This smell EXACTLY like Coca Cola. Everyone at the nursery has taken it in turns to smell it, all a bit sceptical, and said ‘ooh yes it really does!’.

Crocosmia 'Walberton Bright Eye'

This arrived still in flower in one of our last deliveries of 2020. As soon as it was wheeled off the lorry, we could see its beautiful bright golden flowers with unusual crimson eyes. Its truly stunning and unlike any crocosmia we’ve stocked before.

Geranium cinereum 'Jolly Jewel Raspberry'

The Jolly Jewels have been growing in popularity over the last couple of years. Raspberry is a new addition and certainly doesn’t disappoint! It has the most gorgeous raspberry pink flowers.

Phlox stolonifera 'Home Fires'

The stolonifera phlox are a new species to us. We’ve always loved the low growing subulatas and these look just as stunning. They have spreading foliage, a bit like the amazing ‘Chatahoochee’ but with beautiful dusky pink flowers. We think they are going to make a great spring display!

Persicaria runcinata 'Needham’s Form'

There are many different varieties and species of persicaria. We knew that ‘Needham’s Form’ was going to be a low growing variety but as soon as we saw it flower, we fell in love with how sweet it was with its unusual foliage and small, light pink flowers. Apparently, its only hardy to -5 degrees but we think it will be great in a shady sheltered spot!

Saxifraga fortunei 'Gokka'

Just look at the colour of ‘Gokka’! Saxifraga fortunei flower at a time when not a lot else does so imagine this splash of colour in late autumn! Its certainly worthy of a prime spot in our show garden!

We hope that by reading this you might get a bit of an idea why we are so passionate about the plants we grow. We will introduce some more varieties as they become available in the next few months!